Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

We drove even less today than before. Only about 60 miles. Ed found 8 books at a used bookstore that he has been looking for for a long time. He is very happy. We drove along the ocean all the time that we did drive and we stopped at a wonderful beach north of North Palm Beach, Florida. The water was so very blue - just beautiful. There were several people out sunning themselves, fishing, walking and flying kites. The temperature was 80 degrees and lots of sun. We also had fun at a laundromat this afternoon!

Here we were waiting for a drawbridge to go down.

This was a lighthouse we drove by. It is no longer in use and is now a museum.

This was where we stopped by the ocean. You can see an ocean liner and the kites.

Here is another beach shot.

A last beach shot.

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